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Baking Cookies

Addendum to the Chocolate Chip off

May 15, 2019

If you haven’t seen my recent posts on the Chocolate Chip Off, this post will make no sense whatsoever. I’ve been on a Chocolate Chip Cookie binge. I baked, then had people judge, but then came up with what, I think was the winner, after the fact. And late tallies changed my previous numbers. God! Nothing is ever easy!

The Best in my opinion- the Browned Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie.

Well, it turns out the Pan Banging cookies weren’t as big winners as I had thought. And some vote sheets came in late giving Jacques Torres an additional 3 votes and the basic Toll House cookie two additional votes. So, the final tally was:

Sara Kieffer’sPan Banging Giant Chocolate Chip Cookies = 9 #1 votes

Basic Toll House Cookies = 6 #1 Votes

Jacques Torres Chocolate Chip Cookies = 6 #1 votes

Salted Butter and Chocolate Chunk Shortbread Cookies = 1 #1 vote

Even Neil Saavedra, who does the Fork Report on KFI Radio every Saturday from 2 to 5 p.m. said the Pan Banging cookies were his favorites too. He liked the crunch and didn’t think they tasted greasy, so go figure. But he did also love the Browned Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies because the flavor is rich and fantastic. I hope that if there’s ever an earthquake here, and I am stuck in an elevator, I hope it’s with Neil. We could talk food for hours.

So, it wasn’t really a fair contest since I didn’t find out about the Browned Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies until after I’d already baked and judged the others. And, as I said before, nothing compares to the Browned Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies! (Sorry Neil, I have to disagree with you on this.)

So, I’m bringing in some Browned Butter Cookies today because, today is National Chocolate Chip day and as soon as people in the newsroom taste these, they may want to switch their votes. I think I’m on to oatmeal cookies next.

If you have to bake a Chocolate Chip cookie, definitely use this recipe for Browned Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies. They’re simply the best!

Happy Chocolate Chip Day!

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