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Posts By

Fran Tunno

Baking Cookies Desserts Thoughts on Life

The Best, Easiest Lemon Cheesecake Squares

January 15, 2014

I get excited about baking and cooking, like some people get about shopping or vacations. It’s a sickness; and my two brothers, two sisters-in-law, several nephews, a niece-in-law, and my kids, share it. Nuclear annihilation could be imminent…and all someone has to say is, “I could go for a little more of that pasta we had for dinner, wasn’t that good?”  And the floodgates open: “Yeah, wow the…

Baking Cookies

The Demon Oven

January 6, 2014

Thank God the holidays are over. I can finally stop baking. Who am I kidding?  I never stop baking.  Here’s proof. I just stayed up until 12:30 a.m. baking cookies for my sister-in-law’s birthday. Today is January 6th. Her birthday was October 7th. But that’s why I had to bake cookies, I rationalized. This way she’ll know she’s special even though I’m three months late. They’re restitution cookies.…

Italian Dad Stories Thoughts on Life

"Brick by Brick"

December 25, 2013

Not every Christmas gift has to be one a child craves… some can be symbolic, like the one I just left under the tree for both my kids. My daughter was having a crisis of confidence a few weeks ago, before finals and holidays. She burst into tears over an avalanche of schoolwork she put off, and put off, until it became overwhelming. She didn’t want to tell…