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Italian Mom Stories

Italian Mom Stories Thoughts on Life

Shopping for Caskets

May 8, 2015

My long time friend Carolyn’s father passed away a few weeks ago and while I was telling him my final, tearful goodbye, I couldn’t help but notice what a nice casket he was in. I snapped out of it and got back to saying my goodbye to Mr. Riley, who always kindly made time for me and respected my family. And, I have to say, his casket was…

Italian Mom Stories

A Big "Stinger"

March 3, 2015

Today is the 23rd anniversary of my mom’s passing. She was a force of nature; making you crazy one minute, making you laugh the next. This story is proof. “Franzes!” I heard my mother’s irritated scream echoing along the metal hallways of the Queen Mary. My father and I exchanged knowing glances and knew our tour of the engine room was over. My dad loved seeing the ship’s quarters…

Italian Mom Stories Main Courses New Year's Day One Pot Meals Pork Thoughts on Life

New Year Slow-Cooked Pork and Sauerkraut

January 3, 2015

In Western Pennsylvania, there are traditions you just have to keep.  One is pork and sauerkraut on New Year’s Day. I may not live there currently, but I’ll be damned if I’m giving up this tradition, it’s too good. It’s said to be good luck to eat pork on New Year’s Day because pigs root forward, so, your year will start in a positive direction, unless you’re a…

GettaSommaDis - Fun Stuff to Buy! Italian Mom Stories Thoughts on Life

The Hand That Stirs the Pot, Wields the Power

November 20, 2014

I was on the phone with my sister-in-law yesterday talking about Thanksgiving and what keeps families together over the years. I think witchcraft might be involved. We were lured in like Italian Hansels and Gretels by wonderful ravioli and slow-cooked sauce on Sundays. My mom acted innocent,while enticing us to sit together with delicious meals every night, where the chuck roast or turkey was so tender it fell…

Extras Holidays Italian Mom Stories Side Dishes Thanksgiving Thoughts on Life

Tang God for Patty- A Thanksgiving Story – Sort of

November 14, 2014

My brothers were smart, they knew not to bring girls they dated home. The few times they did, Mom would be nice, unless the girl happened to touch them. Holding hands, snuggling, or showing any kind of affection meant she was a puttana and would never do for her sons. She never remembered names, only referring to them as, “datta gal,” as in, “Tella datta gal to eatta…

Italian Mom Stories Thoughts on Life

Curse Words Never Sound As Bad In Italian

October 17, 2014

How sad that today’s kids will never know the thrill of waiting until the sixth time their mother screams their name to actually get moving, then blame it on not being able to hear her.  Cell phones have taken the excitement away. Thank God batteries still die, so there’s hope for today’s youth. But nothing can replace the way parents used to have to muscle their kids into…