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Happy National Public Sleeping Day!

February 28, 2019

Hi Everybody! I’ve been working with my son to re-vamp my website. I want to make it easier to find recipes, and I want to keep posting because, of all the things I do, the thing I love most is cooking, baking and writing to you about it! In the meantime, since today, February 28th,  is National Public Sleeping Day, I am re-posting a blog from a while…


How Do We Help Veterans?

November 12, 2018

If you’ve ever wondered how you can help Veterans — there’s a way,  and some dedicated people are doing it every day.  I just ran into some a couple months ago.   I walk my dog every night and in mid-September, I was walking past a local park and saw it all lit up at ten o clock at night. There were flags planted in the ground, and…


Beware the Transition from Cool to Cute

October 11, 2018

This is the second in my series of blog posts about not aging gracefully. I remember the day I became invisible. I was in New York City. I was 55-years-old, walking down Broadway, and couldn’t get a soul to look at me. Not one person. My first thought was, Wow, I could rob banks now and it would be months before I’d be captured because I don’t register…


Growing older Gracefully? Nah.

October 6, 2018

A friend of mine sent me a link to a website where a woman talks about growing older gracefully now that she’s in her 60’s. God bless her, God bless anyone who can be graceful about growing older…I just don’t happen to be one of them. I look in the mirror and pull my cheeks up a little and think, Yeah, that’s how I should look. But  you…


How Safe is Your Non-organic Fruit?

June 22, 2018

I was just at the grocery store, drooling over all the beautiful nectarines, apricots and peaches that are out and looking ripe, juicy and utterly delicious. But I always wonder, is it safe to eat if it’s not organic? My friend, Dawn, a Key West artist, has always been a big proponent of eating healthy, which means organic food to her, and most people. But do we have…


Is Politics Worth Losing Family and Friends Over?

June 5, 2018

If someone had told us 50 years ago, that a news network, started by someone from another country, would come here and start a broadcast network that airs stories that are only in line with one party, we would have said, No, that will never happen, that’s propaganda! If someone said, Democrats and Republicans will be at each other’s throats, so much so, that friends are lost and…


Trashy Progress

May 15, 2018

Well, I can’t say I’m Eleanor Roosevelt, when it comes to creating change in the world, but maybe if I start, one street at a time, I can make a difference. I just finished watching Ken Burns: The Roosevelts on Netflix and was absolutely mesmerized by these remarkable people.  I’ve been searching for political figures who inspire me lately, and I remembered my mother always speaking so fondly…