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Thoughts on Life

Baking Cookies Thoughts on Life

The Chocolate Chip Off Part Deux

May 4, 2019

It’s 11:50 p.m. on Friday night, but I promised the results today, so technically, I’m still in under the wire! If I ever mention that I think it will be fun to bake four different kinds of cookies then bring them in for morning radio shows to test, someone please slap me, and lock me in my room, OK? I was up at 3 a.m. Thursday morning, baking…

Thoughts on Life

The Academy Awards of Cleaning

July 28, 2017

“And the Oscar goes to (your name here) for the cleanest house in the world.” You’ll never hear those words in your life, so for God’s sake, put down the Swiffer and go have some fun while there’s still some summer left. Or better yet, write that book/screenplay/blog post, take that class, dance in the kitchen, or climb a mountain because no one is ever going to say,…

Thoughts on Life

What Love Looks Like

October 7, 2016

I’m writing about love today, which is rather ironic given that I’m a divorcee. But it’s the month of October. My parents married on October 7th, I was married in October and I’m going to a cousin’s wedding later this month, so it has me thinking about what love is, and what it isn’t. My father was not a man who showed great emotion – as you recall,…

Thoughts on Life Uncategorized

Happy Birthday Aunt Blanche!

September 9, 2016

My Aunt Blanche just turned 90. She’s outlived everyone in her immediate family, including her parents, which is amazing because she was the one with the most health problems. She is mostly blind, mostly deaf, suffers from asthma and sinus troubles, yet still motors on like the energizer bunny – some days. Some days are not so great.  But, from what I hear that’s what life can be…

Thoughts on Life

Who Will ALS Take Next?

August 5, 2016

So far, my friend, Bob Deyan has been taken by ALS. My brother lost two of his best friends and fraternity brothers — John Conti and John Delserone to this disease. An old boyfriend’s mom, a sweet, smart woman everyone called Toots,  passed away due to ALS. I’m sure you know people too. It seems like the worst diseases take only the nicest people. If there was a…

Thoughts on Life

Bobby Kennedy – Some Inspiration for These Times

July 14, 2016

I’ve never been more concerned about our country. There’s such anger and division, it’s as if we’ve forgotten the U.S. is supposed to be the ideal. We’re supposed to be the example the world looks to, where everyone lives together and gets along — The Starship Enterprise of countries. The place where justice prevails. My nephew, Patrick and I were talking this week about how we want inspirational…

Thoughts on Life

Loving Lois

July 3, 2016

Lois is in the hospital again.  She was my mother-in-law for 22 years and just turned 98-years-old. I feel bad because I should have gone to see her a few weeks ago when I had a free weekend day, but stayed home to get things done instead. My guilt is overwhelming because she is not only sick, but in desperate need of a haircut and won’t get one…

Thoughts on Life

A Little Bit of Magic

June 24, 2016

I’m afraid I don’t believe in magic anymore. When I was young, I used to think there was some magic in the world and things could happen because you willed them to. I still think my mom willed herself to win on the Price is Right. She was determined like that. All you had to do was look at her and it was clear, if she wanted something…

Thoughts on Life

Be the Best Example You Can Be

June 10, 2016

It’s great to have a friend who’s an investigative reporter. He can do things like find out where old flames live and what their marital status is. But that’s not the only reason I’m friends with Don Ray. Don’s a genuinely good person with a passion for both, a great story, and history. Plus, years ago, he traveled 2, 000 miles to be at my wedding for one day…