I should never watch movies because I can’t watch one without it affecting me one way or another. Well, I blew it tonight, I watched Spotlight. Of course it made me think about right and wrong, not just because I’m a lapsed Catholic, but because I’m a human. The big thing I took away from it is that when you see something happening, and you know it’s wrong,…
My Uncle Richard called me today. He’s one of my favorite people on earth. Not just because he’s my father’s brother and a wonderful family man, but also because he’s not afraid to be silly. He does a version of the Tarantella, an Italian dance they do at weddings (Tarantella means tarantula in Italian) where he bends his knees and dances around hunched over, looking more like a…
Do I Dare Get Burned Again?
February 9, 2016I very rarely talk politics. Least of all with family because I know better. I’m one of the few Democrats in a sea of Republicans. I tried talking politics with my loved ones once and it wasn’t great for family harmony. I’ll discuss politics with like-minded individuals, or Carolyn, who’s known me since we were 14, because we both seek to understand each other’s positions, not beat each…
Groundhog Day and sex are not a natural pairing in anyone’s mind, except mine. This story starts with my sex education, which can be summed up in six words: “DON’T EVER LET ANYONE TOUCH YOU!”…
My son told me this morning how helpless he feels. His father (my ex) has to have have triple bypass surgery. My son is worried and I wish I could tell him something that would make him feel better. But I can’t, except that most people come through the surgery with no problem. I even know a few. I felt the same way when my mom had her…
I hope you had a sweet, memorable Christmas, filled with moments you hold onto forever. I enjoyed many this year, which made me even more thankful for my family. But there was one moment which stood out, because it’s proof that no matter how well you think you’re doing in the self-esteem department, you always have more work to do.…
A Man And His Crabs
December 31, 2015What makes a man recover from gallbladder surgery almost instantly? a. The promise of a waiting platter of king crab legs and shrimp b. The promise of pasta with crab sauce c. The promise of scallop pasta with cream sauce d. The promise of an adoring family e. Leftover novenas prayed by his mother. f. All of the above…
I was talking to my sister-in-law, Patty, who is on crutches this holiday. Nothing makes a woman crazier than not being able to whirl around in a frenzy of Christmas preparation insanity, so she was already apologizing for her house probably not being up to snuff. I told her not to worry, I’m not coming to visit the decorations or the house. I’m coming to see my family.…
My brother just sent me a story from the Wall Street Journal about the Allen family from Pittsburgh, dealing with their first Christmas without their parents. It touched me because it could have been about our family. Their tree from the ’60s looked like a more attractive version of ours, and they had family traditions too. They made jello salads and barbecue ham sandwiches with homemade buns for…
My brother just sent me a story from the Wall Street Journal about the Allen family from Pittsburgh, dealing with their first Christmas without their parents. It touched me because it could have been about our family. Their tree from the ’60s looked like a more attractive version of ours, and they had family traditions too. They made jello salads and barbecue ham sandwiches with homemade buns for…