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Tang God for Patty- A Thanksgiving Story – Sort of

November 14, 2014

My brothers were smart, they knew not to bring girls they dated home. The few times they did, Mom would be nice, unless the girl happened to touch them. Holding hands, snuggling, or showing any kind of affection meant she was a puttana and would never do for her sons. She never remembered names, only referring to them as, “datta gal,” as in, “Tella datta gal to eatta…

Extras Family Traditions GettaSommaDis - Fun Stuff to Buy! Holidays Side Dishes Thanksgiving

November? What the hell?

November 7, 2014

I can’t believe it’s already November. To make it worse, everywhere I look the poor turkeys are being squeezed out by the holiday stuff. What the hell? It’s too bad because a holiday devoted to being thankful , and FOOD is my kind of holiday. I’ve always loved it — so much, that in college, we made Thanksgiving dinner and ate on two mattresses on the floor because…