Remember back when I thought my dad visited me in the form of a small Asian man at the YMCA? Well, now I’m wondering if my mom’s been sending people my way, for years – but I just never noticed it.…
Pasta Sundays
May 27, 2016I was talking to my Uncle Richard over the weekend. He was telling me how he misses the days when his grandkids were little and he used to cook every Sunday. His lucky daughter, son-in-law and their kids, along with my dad, were invited over every Sunday to eat pasta. He’d make a different pasta every week, including rigatoni, linguini with clams, gnocci, lasagne, aglio olio and others,…
I confess, three years ago, in a moment of weakness and poverty, I bought a wall clock for $10.39. I didn’t even like it. It was ugly, but I was desperate for something to hang in my bathroom and I, clearly, didn’t want to spend much. Within one year it was running less than accurately, in two years it was way worse and by year three, it was…
Nothing good ever comes of lusting for a hamburger so badly, that you can’t think of anything else.…
Remember in high school, when the boy or girl you had a crush on had seemingly no awareness of your existence, but the people you hardly gave a thought to, were in love with you? Well that’s what it’s like on dating websites. Except now, there’s the exciting option of being scammed, which adds just the right touch of mystery and intrigue.…
I never told you this in a blog post, but last year, I was lucky enough to be one of the Voices of the Year honorees for BlogHer15. It was a big honor for me and I’m hoping I’ll be nominated again this year, but I could use your help.…
I think a 93-year-old is inhabiting my nephew Patrick’s body. He sings Italian songs to his newborn son, plays Italian folksongs on his phone, makes homemade pasta, and goes out of his way to stay in touch with relatives, both here and in Italy, because he values family more than anything. Call me crazy, but this doesn’t seem like a typical 36-year-old.…
I am not what you would call religious. I was raised Catholic and am certain I’m a better person because of it. But somewhere along the line, I fell away from the church. Occasionally I find my way back – and when I do it’s usually on a Good Friday.…
Remember in Star Wars, when Obi-Wan Kenobe fights Darth Vader and ends up dead, but then comes back? His image and wisdom are seared into Luke’s brain and Luke looks to him for powerful guidance during some pretty tough times. OK, I’m not saying that my dad, who we used to call, “The Ogre,” is a Jedi knight, but sometimes I feel his presence in some pretty remarkable…
I should never watch movies because I can’t watch one without it affecting me one way or another. Well, I blew it tonight, I watched Spotlight. Of course it made me think about right and wrong, not just because I’m a lapsed Catholic, but because I’m a human. The big thing I took away from it is that when you see something happening, and you know it’s wrong,…