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Thoughts on Life

Thoughts on Life

Who Loves You, Comes After You

October 2, 2015

It’s been more than five years since I got divorced.  People keep telling me I should start dating, but come on, what’s the rush? I know my friends and family are telling me I’m not getting any younger. And I know they’re right, because any time I accidentally open the camera on my phone, and it’s on my face, I recoil in horror, as though I’ve just seen…

Bagels Baking Thoughts on Life

Bagels and Bustin' a Move With People I Love

September 25, 2015

I love getting to know my kids friends and realizing there are no pesky serial killers or violent offenders to worry about.  They’re good kids who I enjoy hanging out with too. I love them all, especially Reef, my daughter’s boyfriend, who entered sainthood the day he served as spotter — helping me pinpoint where my intestinally challenged dog had left lovely gifts on my living room rug.…

Thoughts on Life

About That Swearing Thing

September 17, 2015

I learned six things from my two weeks of attempted non-swearing. #1. Self-control is not my strong point. #2. I swear quite a bit. Not horribly, just conversationally. A damn here, a hell there,  with sh*t as my go-to word. When I’m sewing, driving, or discovering my dog pooping on my carpet, I use the f-bomb. (Sister Janet, if you’re reading this — I’m sorry I’ve failed you.)…

Thoughts on Life

Should We Stop Swearing?

September 4, 2015

In a moment of love and serious overconfidence, I offered to make curtains for my friend, Kimberly. I measured one of what looked like three identical windows in her breakfast nook, only to discover that the impostor middle window was five inches longer than the other two. So entered the first string of expletives. Then, in a misguided second moment of love and overconfidence, I offered to fix…

Thoughts on Life

Esther, Who Never Gave Up Her Dream

August 29, 2015

Esther and I met in a beginners swim class. She was quiet, laughed at all my silly comments, and was determined to learn to swim, so of course, I liked her. She wore  a cute bathing suit with a sheer, pink, flouncy skirt that looked like a ballet outfit and had the nice legs I wish I’d been born with. We chatted between death-defying episodes of attempted swimming,…

Thoughts on Life

I Was Only Nice to Get a Good Grade, Then It Became a Habit

August 21, 2015

One of the toughest assignments I ever had was in seventh grade religion class. Sister Generosa gave us our assignment: Do something nice for someone we didn’t know — every day during Lent. And here’s the kicker, we couldn’t tell anyone. When I first heard that I thought, “What kind of lunatic goes around doing nice things for strangers and then never even gets to brag about it?”…

Thoughts on Life

Thanks Marilyn and Bleepty

July 17, 2015

I met Marilyn at JJill a couple of years ago. We both worked part-time, and bonded over our love of clothes.  She was in her 60’s, medium sized with light brown hair, and was quiet, hard working, very sweet, and unbelievably enthusiastic about folding tissue paper perfectly when wrapping merchandise.  I watched, learned and can now tissue with the best of them, but I’m still not as good…