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Thoughts on Life

Thoughts on Life

F!%#ing Persistence

July 3, 2015

I didn’t bake anything awesome, or make any mistakes more stupid than usual to tell you about this week, so I was uninspired. Then I remembered Jack London’s quote, “You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” So I sat my butt down and started writing anyway.…

Thoughts on Life

The Demon in the Room

June 26, 2015

I have a very big, ugly birthday coming up at the end of July. This is serious people. After this birthday, I may officially be classified as”old,” although the damned AARP has been trying to tell me I’m old for at least a decade. I know old is better than dead, but it is hard to swallow, unless you go in like a hellion and do all the…

Thoughts on Life

Ironing? Bingewatch and Have a Cocktail

June 19, 2015

I wish I was royalty. Then I could just turn to a servant and say, “Jeeves,  have this pressed for me at three.” That would be nice, but the closest I ever got to royalty was a story floated around by some family member that we Tunno’s might be descendants of Albanian Royalty. I thought Albanian Royalty was a fiction, until I looked it up. Apparently,  they not…

Thoughts on Life

Go Ahead, Have a Bite!

May 28, 2015

As you may have noticed, I spend a lot of time thinking about food. When I’m not thinking about it, I’m cooking it, eating it or cleaning up after doing both. And friends always ask me, how do you stay thin? Well, I’m not thin, I’m usually five to ten pounds over what I’d like to be, but I aspire to thinness, and I exercise a lot. There…

Italian Mom Stories Thoughts on Life

Shopping for Caskets

May 8, 2015

My long time friend Carolyn’s father passed away a few weeks ago and while I was telling him my final, tearful goodbye, I couldn’t help but notice what a nice casket he was in. I snapped out of it and got back to saying my goodbye to Mr. Riley, who always kindly made time for me and respected my family. And, I have to say, his casket was…

Thoughts on Life

One Big Family – Even in L. A.

May 1, 2015

By now it’s well established that I can be a total dolt. I do things like buy tickets for Craig Ferguson, then confuse the date and show up two days after the actual show. On my way out the door, I forget things so often, that poor Topper (my Corgi) stops and looks back at me every three steps as we go down the stairs because he knows…

Thoughts on Life

The Biscotti Tasting

April 15, 2015

No, I did not forget to write last week, I was covered in flour, white chocolate and nuts for days. Nothing “Shades of Grey,” I was just getting ready for my biscotti tasting on Sunday the 12th. I baked like a maniac, then did the scariest thing a baker can do, I asked people to give me their honest opinions of my biscotti.…

Soups Thoughts on Life

Fusion Soup and Happy St. Pat's Day!

March 17, 2015

Ok, enough serious posts for a while. You’ll be pleased to know that I’m over my November Zucchini Funk. It lasted all the way into February, which is why I visited the therapist three weeks ago. Nothing makes a person feel better than going in and whining for an hour non-stop to someone who listens, tells you your feelings are valid and hands you tissues. Poor thing, she…

Thoughts on Life

Where Will I Be Carried Out?

March 11, 2015

My dad’s death two years ago today left me with a visual I’ll never forget and a nagging question:  Where will I be carried out? We’ll all be carried away from someplace, so where and how do I want to be living when they cart this worn-out carcass away? It’s something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately, because this apartment is not that place and I can’t help…

Thoughts on Life

Craig Ferguson Saved Us

February 25, 2015

Craig Ferguson has no idea his silliness saved me and my kids from complete insanity. After my 2010 divorce, my two kids, my two hygienically challenged dogs and I, moved in with my elderly dad in western Pennsylvania for a few months until we could buy a house. We all appreciated my dad letting us move in, but it was a hard time for us. The cute Tudor…