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Thoughts on Life

Be the Best Example You Can Be

June 10, 2016

It’s great to have a friend who’s an investigative reporter. He can do things like find out where old flames live and what their marital status is. But that’s not the only reason I’m friends with Don Ray. Don’s a genuinely good person with a passion for both, a great story, and history. Plus, years ago, he traveled 2, 000 miles to be at my wedding for one day…

Family Traditions Pasta, Polenta and Risotto Thoughts on Life Vegan Vegetarian

Pasta Sundays

May 27, 2016

I was talking to my Uncle Richard over the weekend. He was telling me how he misses the days when his grandkids were little and he used to cook every Sunday. His lucky daughter, son-in-law and their kids, along with my dad,  were invited over every Sunday to eat pasta. He’d make a different pasta every week, including rigatoni, linguini with clams, gnocci, lasagne, aglio olio and others,…

Baking Biscotti

Coffee Cake Biscotti — Oh Yes!

May 15, 2016

I have bounced around the idea of starting a biscotti business for over a year. My family rolls their collective eyes when they hear this because I flit from one idea to another like a fruit fly. I’d prefer to make my living writing, and/or writing about food, but I still love baking biscotti, so, last year, when I was still in my biscotti biz frenzy, my friend…

Thoughts on Life

Buying Cheap — Oh the Humiliation

May 14, 2016

I confess, three years ago, in a moment of weakness and poverty, I bought a wall clock for $10.39. I didn’t even like it. It was ugly, but I was desperate for something to hang in my bathroom and I, clearly, didn’t want to spend much. Within one year it was running less than accurately, in two years it was way worse and by year three, it was…


Chocolate Peanut Butter Heaven

May 6, 2016

It’s been an uneventful week. I haven’t had any run ins with the law and haven’t even been scammed on my dating website. My only excitement was that my computer decided to stop working, so I couldn’t record this. With things this slow, there was nothing left to do but turn to food — chocolate and peanut butter to be exact.…

Thoughts on Life

Que Sera Sera

April 22, 2016

Remember in high school, when the boy or girl you had a crush on had seemingly no awareness of your existence, but the people you hardly gave a thought to, were in love with you?  Well that’s what it’s like on dating websites.  Except now, there’s the exciting option of being scammed, which adds just the right touch of mystery and intrigue.…

Thoughts on Life Uncategorized

A 93-Year-Old 36-Year-Old

April 8, 2016

I think a 93-year-old is inhabiting my nephew Patrick’s body. He sings Italian songs to his newborn son, plays Italian folksongs on his phone, makes homemade pasta, and goes out of his way to stay in touch with relatives, both here and in Italy, because he values family more than anything. Call me crazy, but this doesn’t seem like a typical 36-year-old.…