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Thoughts on Life Uncategorized

Happy Birthday Aunt Blanche!

September 9, 2016

My Aunt Blanche just turned 90. She’s outlived everyone in her immediate family, including her parents, which is amazing because she was the one with the most health problems. She is mostly blind, mostly deaf, suffers from asthma and sinus troubles, yet still motors on like the energizer bunny – some days. Some days are not so great.  But, from what I hear that’s what life can be…

GettaSommaDis - Fun Stuff to Buy! Italian Mom Stories Thoughts on Life

The Hand That Stirs the Pot, Wields the Power

November 20, 2014

I was on the phone with my sister-in-law yesterday talking about Thanksgiving and what keeps families together over the years. I think witchcraft might be involved. We were lured in like Italian Hansels and Gretels by wonderful ravioli and slow-cooked sauce on Sundays. My mom acted innocent,while enticing us to sit together with delicious meals every night, where the chuck roast or turkey was so tender it fell…

Thoughts on Life

My Brother Had a Heart Attack and I Wasn't There

April 19, 2014

I just got off the phone with my brother Bernie, who’s walking around, sucking on oxygen and about to be released from the hospital. This is a minor miracle because the personnel at the hospital said they’ve only seen three people survive a heart attack on the golf course. Naturally, that would be where Bernie would have his heart attack because he loves golf and excitement.…