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Thoughts on Life

Ironing? Bingewatch and Have a Cocktail

June 19, 2015

I wish I was royalty. Then I could just turn to a servant and say, “Jeeves,  have this pressed for me at three.” That would be nice, but the closest I ever got to royalty was a story floated around by some family member that we Tunno’s might be descendants of Albanian Royalty. I thought Albanian Royalty was a fiction, until I looked it up. Apparently,  they not…

Baking Desserts

Carolyn – You Deserve These Peppermint Brownies!

April 24, 2015

There wasn’t a lot of excitement at New Brighton Junior High, except when Carolyn Riley arrived breathless after some catastrophe. Usually one of her horses got loose and she had to run,  her long thin legs slipping and sliding, to retrieve it. Or the snow-plow had blocked off their driveway with snow, so they had to shovel themselves out, or Margie and Nancy, their lambs (and eventual dinner)…

Extras Holidays Italian Mom Stories Side Dishes Thanksgiving Thoughts on Life

Tang God for Patty- A Thanksgiving Story – Sort of

November 14, 2014

My brothers were smart, they knew not to bring girls they dated home. The few times they did, Mom would be nice, unless the girl happened to touch them. Holding hands, snuggling, or showing any kind of affection meant she was a puttana and would never do for her sons. She never remembered names, only referring to them as, “datta gal,” as in, “Tella datta gal to eatta…


It Ain't Pretty, But Man, is it Good!

October 14, 2014

Unless you’re David Copperfield or Doug Henning, you can’t make split pea soup look beautiful. I must have taken 25 shots of it in every kind of light and it still looked like split pea soup. I almost wrapped a feather boa around the bowl, to dress it up, but decided to go with honesty. Because just like with prospective mates, sometimes you have to look past appearances…

Dipping Sauces, Spreads, Marinades and Salad Dressings Italian Mom Stories Pasta, Polenta and Risotto

If You Don't Make Your Own Pesto, You Should be Slapped

August 19, 2014

If you don’t make your own pesto, you should be slapped. * There I said it. That’s probably the most controversial thing you’ll see on this blog, and I mean it. Why? Because you’re passing up your moment of culinary immortality. Years from now, people will forget how you looked, what you said and what you wore, but they’ll never forget the creamy, fresh taste of your pasta…