I didn’t bake anything awesome, or make any mistakes more stupid than usual to tell you about this week, so I was uninspired. Then I remembered Jack London’s quote, “You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” So I sat my butt down and started writing anyway.…
My dad’s death two years ago today left me with a visual I’ll never forget and a nagging question: Where will I be carried out? We’ll all be carried away from someplace, so where and how do I want to be living when they cart this worn-out carcass away? It’s something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately, because this apartment is not that place and I can’t help…
Not every Christmas gift has to be one a child craves… some can be symbolic, like the one I just left under the tree for both my kids. My daughter was having a crisis of confidence a few weeks ago, before finals and holidays. She burst into tears over an avalanche of schoolwork she put off, and put off, until it became overwhelming. She didn’t want to tell…