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Pasta, Polenta and Risotto

Step-kids and Lasagne Sundays

July 10, 2015

My kids were gone for a mini-family reunion at their dad’s house for the Fourth of July and I missed them, so I wanted to cook something wonderful when they returned. It was Sunday and my Italian soul longed for lasagne. It was just special enough that my devious plan, to get them (including my daughter’s boyfriend)  to stay for a meal, worked. Now that’s success. (See what…

Christmas Dipping Sauces, Spreads, Marinades and Salad Dressings Family Traditions Holidays Main Courses Pasta, Polenta and Risotto Seafood Thoughts on Life

My First Christmas Eve Away – How I Survived

December 15, 2014

I just read an article in the LA Times about an Austrian chef who re-creates Christmas dinners like those in his homeland because he has such great memories. I loved that, instead of sinking into a depression over what he’s missing, he’s re-creating it with braised duck and roasted chestnuts. I remember forcing myself to do that the first year I spent Christmas Eve away from my large,…

GettaSommaDis - Fun Stuff to Buy! Italian Mom Stories Thoughts on Life

The Hand That Stirs the Pot, Wields the Power

November 20, 2014

I was on the phone with my sister-in-law yesterday talking about Thanksgiving and what keeps families together over the years. I think witchcraft might be involved. We were lured in like Italian Hansels and Gretels by wonderful ravioli and slow-cooked sauce on Sundays. My mom acted innocent,while enticing us to sit together with delicious meals every night, where the chuck roast or turkey was so tender it fell…

Extras Holidays Italian Mom Stories Side Dishes Thanksgiving Thoughts on Life

Tang God for Patty- A Thanksgiving Story – Sort of

November 14, 2014

My brothers were smart, they knew not to bring girls they dated home. The few times they did, Mom would be nice, unless the girl happened to touch them. Holding hands, snuggling, or showing any kind of affection meant she was a puttana and would never do for her sons. She never remembered names, only referring to them as, “datta gal,” as in, “Tella datta gal to eatta…

Extras Family Traditions GettaSommaDis - Fun Stuff to Buy! Holidays Side Dishes Thanksgiving

November? What the hell?

November 7, 2014

I can’t believe it’s already November. To make it worse, everywhere I look the poor turkeys are being squeezed out by the holiday stuff. What the hell? It’s too bad because a holiday devoted to being thankful , and FOOD is my kind of holiday. I’ve always loved it — so much, that in college, we made Thanksgiving dinner and ate on two mattresses on the floor because…

GettaSommaDis - Fun Stuff to Buy!

Win Something From My New Online Store!

October 31, 2014

I love you guys — for reading these posts, responding and telling me how much you enjoy my stories and recipes. You’re all awesome and, if I had the time and the money, I’d bake biscotti for every one of you.  I can’t do that, but I can give you a gift from GettaSommaDis, my new online store!  Go check it out right now! Here’s a link:*…

Dipping Sauces, Spreads, Marinades and Salad Dressings Main Courses Poultry Side Dishes Vegan Vegetables

Italian Turkey Meatloaf – Oh Baby Baby

October 28, 2014

I’m a week behind on my blog because I’ve been working like a maniac on my new internet store. It’s going live this week (if the computer gods are with me) and I can’t wait to share it with you guys! There’s some fun stuff, so don’t do all your holiday shopping yet. I’ve been cooking this week and have a couple recipes to share. Remember a few…

Italian Mom Stories Thoughts on Life

Curse Words Never Sound As Bad In Italian

October 17, 2014

How sad that today’s kids will never know the thrill of waiting until the sixth time their mother screams their name to actually get moving, then blame it on not being able to hear her.  Cell phones have taken the excitement away. Thank God batteries still die, so there’s hope for today’s youth. But nothing can replace the way parents used to have to muscle their kids into…