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Thoughts on Life

Bobby Kennedy – Some Inspiration for These Times

July 14, 2016

I’ve never been more concerned about our country. There’s such anger and division, it’s as if we’ve forgotten the U.S. is supposed to be the ideal. We’re supposed to be the example the world looks to, where everyone lives together and gets along — The Starship Enterprise of countries. The place where justice prevails. My nephew, Patrick and I were talking this week about how we want inspirational…

Thoughts on Life

One Big Family – Even in L. A.

May 1, 2015

By now it’s well established that I can be a total dolt. I do things like buy tickets for Craig Ferguson, then confuse the date and show up two days after the actual show. On my way out the door, I forget things so often, that poor Topper (my Corgi) stops and looks back at me every three steps as we go down the stairs because he knows…