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GettaSommaDis - Fun Stuff to Buy! Italian Mom Stories Thoughts on Life

The Hand That Stirs the Pot, Wields the Power

November 20, 2014

I was on the phone with my sister-in-law yesterday talking about Thanksgiving and what keeps families together over the years. I think witchcraft might be involved. We were lured in like Italian Hansels and Gretels by wonderful ravioli and slow-cooked sauce on Sundays. My mom acted innocent,while enticing us to sit together with delicious meals every night, where the chuck roast or turkey was so tender it fell…

Baking Dipping Sauces, Spreads, Marinades and Salad Dressings Italian Mom Stories Pizza Thoughts on Life

The Power of Pizza

September 18, 2014

My daughter just started college a few weeks ago. I hate to admit it, but it’s nice to be able to take a break from my indentured servitude with the PTA. I think I served for 12 years. PTA years are like dog years, so that’s close to an average life expectancy I put in. I did what I had time to do, but there were women and…