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March 16, 2017

A few nights ago I was doing my bedtime ritual of piling pillows around me just the way I like them. I got all nice and cozy, then reached up and turned off my bedside lamp. I waited for sleep to knock me out, which for a Tunno takes about seven seconds. As I lay in the darkness of my bedroom I saw something I hadn’t seen in…

Thoughts on Life

Bobby Kennedy – Some Inspiration for These Times

July 14, 2016

I’ve never been more concerned about our country. There’s such anger and division, it’s as if we’ve forgotten the U.S. is supposed to be the ideal. We’re supposed to be the example the world looks to, where everyone lives together and gets along — The Starship Enterprise of countries. The place where justice prevails. My nephew, Patrick and I were talking this week about how we want inspirational…

Cereals, granolas, etc. Thoughts on Life Vegan Vegetarian

Do I Dare Get Burned Again?

February 9, 2016

I very rarely talk politics. Least of all with family because I know better. I’m one of the few Democrats in a sea of Republicans. I tried talking politics with my loved ones once and it wasn’t great for family harmony. I’ll discuss politics with like-minded individuals, or Carolyn, who’s known me since we were 14, because we both seek to understand each other’s positions, not beat each…