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Posts By

Fran Tunno


Wedding Advice You Won’t Get In “Brides”

April 28, 2014

My friend Jane, a fellow voice actress, invited me over for dinner tonight. Jane is the friend I wrote about in a prior post, who’s getting married in July. The one who attracts men willy nilly, while I’m still working up the nerve to maybe consider online dating. I predict Jane’s marriage will be OK because tonight she’s cooking something her fiance can’t stand to smell. She’s doing it…

Breakfast Italian Dad Stories Italian Mom Stories Thoughts on Life

Dreaming of Spring

February 22, 2014

If you’re in a state that’s not Florida, California or Hawaii, right now you’re probably dreaming of spring.  I live in California and I apologize up front.  It just happened this way, I didn’t really plan it, so don’t hate me. I never gloat over the weather because I could be killed at any second by a terrifying mother of an earthquake.  That pretty much evens things out…

Italian Mom Stories Soups

Chicken Soup or Exlax?

February 12, 2014

Since this is flu season and you’re probably suffering through a pretty crappy winter, I wanted to post my mom’s chicken soup story and recipe. If you’re sick and miserable, at least you’ll be sick, miserable, laughing and well fed. If you’re able to read this story and not laugh, you should probably go to the hospital; you’re dying. As for the rest of you, reading this story…

Baking Biscotti Cookies

Biscotti That May Get You Blacklisted

February 7, 2014

If you have an Italian grandmother who bakes biscotti, you should probably stop reading right now. Once you have this recipe, don’t blame me if she turns on you, and don’t say I didn’t warn you. OK, my conscience is clear. I started baking biscotti more than 20 years ago. I was never really a fan of them when I was young because they were always the same;…

Baking Bread Italian Mom Stories Thoughts on Life

Mom, Fitting In and Food

February 3, 2014

These were the names on my street in New Brighton, Pennsylvania when I was growing up: Pfeiffer,  Schaeffer, Smeltzer, Pfleghar, Anderson, Golbertson, Tunno. It’s like those second grade quizzes where you pick the one that doesn’t fit. The 50’s and 60’s were not the diversity-loving present. I was born only 10 years after WWII ended, and back then things like internment camps were a reality.  My parents wanted…

Thoughts on Life

The Oprah Winfrey of Glendale

January 29, 2014

I was walking my dog at about 9:30 tonight when I ran into a neighbor with her two dogs. Since we’re dog people we usually exchange mindless pleasantries, try to keep the dogs from killing each other or mating, and move on, but tonight she asked me something that surprised me. As our dogs happily sniffed each other, she asked how I was doing. I said I was…

Beef Main Courses Side Dishes Vegan Vegetables Vegetarian

Seeing Blessings, Not Curses

January 27, 2014

My friends, Bob and Debra had everything a year ago. A thriving business, a gorgeous new home, and tons of friends. They still have the friends, the business and the home,  but Bob can only see it from a hospital bed now. ALS is ravaging him. In less than a year, he went from being healthy and vital, to looking gaunt. He’s unable to move and barely able…

Thoughts on Life

E=MC2 E=Energy, M=Me, C=Caffeine

January 23, 2014

I had no energy this morning. I also had no espresso this morning. Therefore, I felt sort of depressed because I didn’t want to do anything and didn’t feel like I’d accomplish anything all day. I dragged around like a slug and finally went to Starbucks to get a tall latte. In a matter of moments, I had a flash of brilliance. Not that Einstein needed me to…

Main Courses Pork Thoughts on Life

Mommy Meals

January 21, 2014

A “Mommy Meal” is a meal that makes your kids look at you like with the kind of affection you can only count on from your dog. I’ve never won a beauty pageant but I imagine it’s like the adulation beauty pageant winners and CEO’s get all the time. Although it’s not enough to make me put on a bathing suit with heels, or run Walmart (I’m sure…